My Plan

Sustainable Development:

Our communities have taken considerable amounts of housing over recent years.

I believe it is unacceptable that the City of Leicester has failed in its housing obligations; consequently the burden of ever greater development has been pushed onto rural areas like Mid Leicestershire.

As a Leicestershire Councillor I have a track record of defending local communities against over-development and its impact on local infrastructure.

I also recognise the importance of housing for young people and those seeking to get onto the housing ladder.

This is why I will always encourage redevelopment of existing brown field sites over the green belt; so that our natural environment and character of our communities are preserved.


Controlled Immigration:

I recognise the impact that uncontrolled immigration has on our public services, and the demand for housing.

I am a strong advocate for robust borders, swift removal of those entering the UK illegally, and reduction in net migration to sustainable levels.

As a passionate believer in investing in jobs & skills I believe that Governments priority should be to up-skill our own citizens than taking the 'lazy' approach of hiring foreign labour.


Local Infrastructure:

With growth comes additional pressures on local infrastructure; be it on our road networks, doctors surgeries or access to the amenities we all need.

Having served as a councillor in the county I know first hand the impact of growth on our communities.

I continue to campaign for reform to the planning process to ensure that adequate infrastructure always comes before any development...

AND that the cumulative impact of growth is taken into account when new developments are proposed. 


Work & Skills:

Coming from a single parent family I place social mobility at the heart of my politics.

I passionately believe that getting a good education, skill-set and career is the best path out of poverty.

I am a firm supporter of apprenticeships and providing incentives for business to train for the skills they need.

It is crucial that young people, and those seeking to retrain, have the same access and opportunities that those living in the larger cities do.