On Monday 18th March Peter attended the final Board Meeting, as a Director, of the Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership.
Since 2011 the LLEP has helped to bring in £860m to Leicester & Leicestershire, through some 360 projects.
The impact of the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) over the last 13 years was celebrated during an event at the National Space Centre.
Over the last 13 years, the LLEP helped to create economic prosperity through measures including:
overseeing the introduction of Enterprise Zones
creating and safeguarding more than 7,400 jobs
leading the Business Gateway Growth Hub, Careers Hub, and other major programmes
supporting the building of thousands of new homes
helping to construct more than 260,000 square metres of commercial floorspace.
Speaking at the event Peter said:
I wish the successor body all the best as it builds upon this important work of: economic development, innovation and supporting jobs and skills across the area.